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Hegel’s dialectic and how conservatives drown themselves in big government’s political correctness and multicultural cesspool

The world of politics glorifies compromise. Compromise often equivates. This equivocation is like a driver whose car is stalled on a railroad track. Not making the positive decision to exit, is making the wrong decision.

The world of politics glorifies compromise. Compromise often equivocates. This equivocation is like a driver whose car is stalled on a railroad track. Not making the positive  (correct) decision to exit, is making the wrong decision.

Hegel’s dialectic and how conservatives drown themselves in big government’s political correctness and multicultural cesspool:

Terse definitions:

Political correctness: The (worldview) perception (which results in skewed actions), is based upon the thinking that nobody should be offended. This “PC” view is held because those who practice it, discard absolutes and embrace moral relativism. It’s a faulty political philosophy which endlessly attempts to please all groups at the expense of discriminating against those who hold to and practice moral absolutes.

Multiculturalism: The worldview perception (thinking and resulting actions) which regard everyone’s belief systems, as equal. This position is both morally and Scripturally untenable. To believe such, one has to (dishonestly) dismiss the malevolent intent and actions of the 9/ll planners and perpetrators.

Moral Relativism: Moral relativism is the view that ethical standards, morality, and positions of right or wrong are culturally based and therefore subject to a person’s individual choice. We can all decide what is right for ourselves. You decide what’s right for you, and I’ll decide what’s right for me. Moral relativism says, ‘It’s true for me, if I believe it.’” - moral-relativism.com

Please note the linked Moralmatters pages, - also, defining (1) political correctness and (2) multiculturalism.

What is political “right” and “left” in America today? Are those descriptive terms only reflective of those attempting to demonize someone else, or,  the opposing political party? The same could be asked about the terms, “conservative” and “liberal.”

A person who claims that something is “nice” is only uttering his perception of reality. “Nice” does not objectively describe what is being observed, but only the subjective thinking of the person uttering the (obvious) nebulous approval.

Read the following excellent article of Mary Thompson (below) to gain a clear understanding why American “conservatives” will never succeed as long as they allow others to define their principles and actions; and, as long as they waffle – failing to fully embrace absolutes, thereby approving of the culture’s moral relativism. Please also note how “conservatism” waffles and loses by embracing  a “third way.” Please (yet) also note Mary Thompson’s (understood / underlying) solution to “conservative’s” plaguing problem (challenge):

 Many USA politicians cannot make morally correct decisions, because they themselves, are morally bankrupt. They possess, little if any foundations of [good] moral clarity. Their decrepit worldview is cluttered with good intentions minus the God-given moral resolve and wherewithal to execute exemplary political decisions.

Many USA politicians cannot make morally correct decisions, because they themselves, are morally bankrupt. They possess, little if any foundation of [good] moral clarity. Their decrepit worldview is cluttered with good intentions minus the God-given moral resolve and wherewithal to execute exemplary political decisions.

Hegelian Dialetic On The Right – by Mary Thompson - newswithviews.com


What does the term,“Conservative” define in the political spectrum? Not much anymore. Is there such a thing as a Hegelian “Right”? The appointment of Carly Fiorina to the American Conservative Union’s Educational arm may reveal an answer. Her appointment caught this writer’s attention when it was reported in San Jose Mercury News, 9/29/13……..

………The reporter only touched the tip of the iceberg of the entire speech in which Fiorina elaborated re: her devotion the idea of the Hegelian Dialectic as a tool for decision making. She suggested the synthesis of the status of schools to be “charter schools.” The entire speech is still available on line.

If anyone had a residual doubt that there exists a ”right” which has been commandeered by forcesmore attuned to what has been identified with the “left,” the ACU appointing an admirer of Hegel should dispel those doubts.

The Hegelian Dialectical Process lurks around the tech industry. It is a “systems” theory in and of itself. It has no fixed immutable “givens.” The Delphi Technique is related to it and PPBS fits the concept as well.

The Hegelian Dialectic Process itself precludes a practitioner from holding fixed principles. A thesis (idea) is pitted against an antithesis (opposing idea) to arrive at a synthesis (an idea resembling neither the thesis nor the antithesis, but a “third way.” The “third way” then becomes the “Thesis” and the Process starts all over again. It is never ending. A practitioner of the Dialectical Process can never commit to decisions based on established fact or objective sources or fixed documents. Hegelian Dialectic is a thought process of “shifting sand” never ending sequences of “syntheses.” The Bible has a description for it. “…ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. ”(II Timothy 3:7)


The sinless God / Man as described in the divine revelation knows no political correctness, multiculturalism and moral relativism. He will judge all history’s humanity by His standard. You are either righeous or ungodly. Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. [1]  [2] All history’s political leaders and dictators will eventually bow to Him. [1]  [2]  He is judge of all. And, His judgment is both perfect and everlasting. Those unrepentant from their lifestyle sins will find no comfort in the hereafter.

The permeating influence of Hegel’s dialectic in the 21st Century can’t be overestimated. The breakdown of the concept of “givens” for any foundation of society is being accomplished. In religion, Hegel’s influence is reflected in the Historical Critical method of Biblical study, resulting in the idea of man’s influence over Scripture as opposed to the idea of the writers’ of God’s Word being inspired of God. The state of organized churches and the incessant stream of ever changing Bible translations reflect that.

The collectivism of Hegel’s ideas has played out and continues to plague individuals and constitutions written to protect the interests of the individual. The 19th Century devotes’ of Hegel’s dialectic were classified as the “Hegelian Right” and the “Hegelian Left.” Are we seeing the prongs of Hegelian followers now also representing a “Hegelian Right” as well as a “Hegelian Left”? It would seem so! - newswithviews.com

Related to the above:

Political Correctness


The Eternal Relief Of The Righteous — Psalm 9:5-17


“A thinking person will question what he hears; examine what he sees; and evaluate what others would have him believe.”

“When did big  government and its mainstream media ever tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

[Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel] 


Please note 3 important informational links:

Election Projection – The Battle for Capitol Hill – 2012 Senate – electionprojection.com/2012elections/

The Complete List of Email Addresses and Fax Numbers for the U.S. Congress and Governors – conservativeusa.org/

U.S. Constitution Online – usconstitution.net/

Posted by:

Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel



Note:  Above pics and / or videos found on the web.


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